Fact #1: Cockroach can live without food for an entire month.
Fact #2: Cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes.
Fact #3: Even if you cut off its head, it would still run around the house for about a week before dying of thirst because its brain is not in its head. It’s scattered throughout its body.
Fact #4: Cockroaches' top speed is 3 miles in a hour.
Fact #5: The female mates only once and is pregnant for the rest of her life.
Fact #6: Cockroaches' heart is nothing but a simple tube with valves that pump blood back and forth. The heart can even stop without causing harm to the insect.
Fact #7: Cockroaches have a set of claws on its feet that enables it to climb a wall.
Fact #8: Cockroaches' attennae, which is powerful enough to rival NASA’s Global Positioning System, help it locate family and friends with state-of-the-art precision. Moreover, its antennae are covered with hairs that are sensitive to vibrations. They are also covered in pits that can "taste" scents in the air, leading the insect to food.
Fact #9: Its set of eyes, made up of 4,000 individual lenses (2000 lenses for each eye), allows it to see simultaneously in all directions. Despite this, cockroaches have poor eyesight. Its eye can only tell light from dark, detect movement, little else. However, being active at night and having a good sense of smell and touch, this critter doesn't need a good vision.
Fact #10: Its rear end is equipped with a motion detector that let it know which way to scat when its safety is jeopardized.
Fact #11: Unlike other creatures, this insect sheds its skeleton, not its skin.
Fact #12: Ever wonder why the cockroach is so difficult to eliminate? You know that white gook that spurts out when it's stepped on or bitten into? That’s more than stored fat. The cockroach turns valuable nutrients into an energy source which helps it neutralize or lessen life-threatening chemicals.
Fact #13: If it doesn’t chew its food properly, that’s okay. It has another set of teeth inside its digestive system that finishes the work.
Fact #14: The Madeira cockroach of Portugal, which emits such a foul odor when threatened, one would think a huge beast had died.
Fact #15: The largest cockroach is probably the one discovered in South America that was six inches in length with a twelve-inch wing span.
Fact #16: Tough, toothed jaws allow the cockroach to tackle the hardest foods. Taste sensors that can detect poison in food.
Fact #17: Cockroach sometimes feed on fragments of food around sleeping people's mouths, even chewing eyelashes and eyebrows.
Fact #18: Cockroaches were probably the first critter in space, as they are regularly found on spacecraft.
Fact #19: A female cockroach use to carry an egg case in her body. Nymph will often hatch from the egg case while the critter still carrying it.
Fact #20: An egg case from a German cockroach could give rise to 7 million adults within a year.
Fact #21: Cockroaches are remarkably resistant to radiation and would be among the few creatures on land to survive a nuclear holocaust. Other likely survivors include rats.
Fact #22: All American pest roaches, like most American, were immigrants. Meaning cockroaches are not native to America. People brought them in!
Fact #22: All American pest roaches, like most American, were immigrants. Meaning cockroaches are not native to America. People brought them in!
Fact #23: Cockroaches' blood is white in color.
Fact #24: Cockroach chew by moving its "teeth" sideways. Here! take a look!
Fact #25: Some roaches are tiny and live in ant nests.
Fact #26: Cockroach kidneys look like a bunch of writhing snakes.
Fact #27: Roaches live all over the world, including the North and South Poles. In extremely cold places, however, they survive by moving in with humans. Smart eh?
Fact #28: Roaches have faster reflexes than humans even faster than Michael Jordan's.
Fact #29: A cockroach that has just shed its skeleton is white with black eyes. After eight hours, however, it will regain its regular shell coloring.
Fact #30: Male cockroaches weigh less than female cockroaches, and males can fly and flee faster.
Fact #31: Cockroaches were carried all over the world in wooden ship. They were the sailors and stowaways of the insect world. Sir Francis Drake once captured a ship which was overrun with millions of roaches.
Fact #32: The H.M.S. "Bounty" was so infested with cockroaches that Captain William Bligh, a British admiral known for his mean temper, disinfected the entire ship with boiling water.
Fact #33: Cockroaches in your gourmet dinner? Maybe not as a main dish, but they have been used in sauces, condiments and as appetizers.
Fact #34: Don't complain next time you have to swallow cough syrup. You could be taking a dose of cockroaches instead! Processed cockroaches have been used to cure illnesses and physical disorders for centuries.
Fact #35: Cockroach tea, anyone? Brewed from cockroaches, this tea has been used to treat dropsy--a kind of sickness or inflammation.
Fact #36: Next time you have trouble going pee, and your urinary tract just doesn't want to go with the flow, why not try dried and powdered Oriental cockroaches? They are said to make a dandy diuretic.
Fact #37: Eat too much pizza? Cotton candy? Thanksgiving dinner? Some people eat cockroaches fried in oil and garlic as a cure for indigestion.
Fact #38: If you're ever stung by a sting ray, remember to mash up a mess of cockroaches to apply as a poultice to the wound.
Fact #39: The cockroach was once a guest of honor in European homes, and it was customary to release them in new dwellings.
Fact #40: Some people develop allergies to cockroaches, including skin rashes and respiratory problems, such as a condition similar to asthma.
Fact #41: A cockroach family tree would be mighty big and long! Cockroaches are thought to have originated during the Carboniferous era, which ended 280 million years ago. They have been abundant ever since and are some of the most primitive winged insects.
Fact #42: Soft food moves through a cockroach's gut in 48 hours.
Fact #43: A vampire's dream: blood that sloshes around freely in a body. Roaches' blood does just that. They have no blood vessels to speak of. (Though cockroaches are probably too small for your average vampire to bother with.)
Fact #44: Female roaches produce an odor, called pheromone, that attracts males and drives them wild.
Fact #45: Some roaches have beautiful diaphanous or see-through wings. Here! Take a look!
Fact #46: When a male cockroach is interested in a female, he gives her a wrapped gift and takes her out to dinner. Well, sort of. Males transfer sperm to females in a nice, "gift wrapped" package called a spermatophore. Some males cover the package in a protein-rich wrapping that she can eat to obtain nutrients to raise her young.
Fact #47: Cockroaches are supreme couch potatoes. They spend 75 percent of their time resting.
- http://www.essortment.com/all/cockroachanthro_ryoa.htm
- Susan Barraclough. Bugs The World's Most Terrifying Insects.
- http://www.roachcom.net/rofacts/